Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blogging around numero tray-ss (3)

Katie Blog.
Hers is about being excited for the short story unit, whether it be reading or writing them.

"Katie, I'm with ya on short stories. I'm excited for this unit as well because I've always liked seeing someone go through different mind-sets. In poems you only get to see one little part of their thoughts or just one little scene. Also, short stories are a little bit easier to read than novels just because they are short, but can still have the same lasting affect like a novel. Well overall, I'm probably just as excited as you."

Anna's Blog.
Anna's was about the "aha" moments we get in life and how they might not always be like what we see on TV.

"I love seeing those mind-blowing moments on TV, but you're right. The world isn't anything like TV. You're also right in the sense that most aha moments affect you long term rather than short term. This made me think about most things in our lives, not just our aha moments. Most things in our lives build up to make us who we are today. I don't know of many things that only affect our short term lives, except for maybe food choices or something. Now though, I'm going to put my thoughts in better categories to help build up my long term life rather than my short term."

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