Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Connection: Class and the World

So what better thing to connect the class to than the world. Well to be perfectly honest, the world is nothing like our class. Our class is sheltered. We raise our hands to make a point. We don't attack the person, we attack the idea. My favorite is that we have a cirriculum. Now, I'm not saying that the class is bad, and i'm not trying to be mean, but we do have to realize that high school isn't the world. Even college isn't the world. The world is not sheltered and we don't have a set thing to strive for; no cirriculum. And with that being said, our class is totally connected to the world.

I am one country. I am sheltered in a class like I am sheltered by the UN. The person who sits next to me in class can either be out to get me or my friend, and they could even be both. You, the teacher, are the sun. The sun tells us what to do. Not exactly directly, but in more ways than you would think. You tell us what to wear on hot days, when I should stop driving with no lights and more. As the teacher you tell us what to do for homework, and can predict what we do next. The class is a mini world. I wish I had better insights on it all, but what can I say? Not every country can be the United States.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Best of Week: Interuptions

At the beginning of any class there is a sort of energy in the room. At the end of any class there is a sense of sleepiness in the room. We like interuptions, we like it when our teacher messes something up and we have a few minutes to talk about anything. The best thing I observed this week was when we come back from a break or our mini passing period. There's almost like a sense of hope in the room; people thinking that maybe today, the class won't be too boring or we won't talk about something we always talk about. Why is it that teenagers have such a short attention span? I'll be the first to admit that once we start talking about something for too long, I start to count the ceiling tiles. We need an interuption to stimulate our thoughts, to give us a laugh or to just wake us up a little. Not everything has to be perfect, and maybe someone being rude just to say a thought would make things liven up a little.

You can see that in books, music, plays...everything needs an interuption no matter how small it is. Teenagers have short attention spans...a little wake up call isn't too hard.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Carry It Forward: The Kite Runner

When I read books for class, I end up hating every page, but something about this has me hooked to read everyday. I don't know if it's the friendship aspect or the fear that he faces; I just need to read it to understand the people and the places. Everyday and everynight I read it more and more. Flagging parts that make me think or drop my jaw to floor. I realize that what I learn is the creative effect of the words he uses and the traps that he sets. To get you reading more about this boy and his "brotherly" servant, he doesn't tell you flat out, he rather you preserve it. So, tell me am I right when I talk about his story, this fake memoir thing really isn't that boring. Sure its not real, but nothing ever is. Just soak in the words and take it for what it is.

That paragraph above is what i'm going to take from The Kite Runner. The more you read it, the more you'll understand that it isn't the story and it's ideas I'm going to carry with me, but rather the way the words are presented. You see the rhythm, and if you read it aloud, you'll hear it too. The story has it's rhythm while the words and sentences have their own. What do you hear while reading?