Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dialectics: Tab and Males

Well, first I should probably explain to you what Tab is. Tab is a soda pop drink. It is almost like Coca-Cola, but it tastes worse. It's in a pink can and it supposedly was the "female" drink. My mother is also the only reason it is still around; she literally drinks 7 cans a day.

With what I said before, Tab is the "female" drink. It was made by Coca-Cola and it was actually meant for those who wanted to keep "tabs" on their weight. So yes, this is the perfect female drink! No calories and it was PINK! It is the "beautiful drink for beautiful people". But what does this have to do with the other gender? The people that probably wouldn't drink something from a pink can to save their life?

Other than the fact that men probably created this drink, nothing. Tab is not for men, plus my mom has it all, so they couldn't try it if they wanted to. Most men won't drink diet coke...they'll be men and drink all the real Coca-cola. Most men have gotten over the "real men wear pink" phase, and most men don't know what it is. But the fact that this drink has nothing to do with men, has everything to do with men.

For light years now, men have had millions of things that have nothing to do with women. Power drinks, the protein powder stuff, race car driving, football and tuxedos. I, myself, am totally ok with that. Every person needs something of their own. If everyone shared, the world would go mad. When you have something that someone else doesn't, you can start a discussion, have bets, and more. I'm not trying to be anti-feminist, but if men started playing tea party because they wanted something that only we had, I'd probably question what they had to eat for why must women always try to have everything men have? Having things seperate from one another may actually benifit us. I could have my own things, and I could also try to learn about something new later on.

Tab is like just let it stay where it's at. Tab is like males...they have their own things, too. I, in particular, just don't want Tab for the female thing. It really does taste really bad.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blogging around numero tray-ss (3)

Katie Blog.
Hers is about being excited for the short story unit, whether it be reading or writing them.

"Katie, I'm with ya on short stories. I'm excited for this unit as well because I've always liked seeing someone go through different mind-sets. In poems you only get to see one little part of their thoughts or just one little scene. Also, short stories are a little bit easier to read than novels just because they are short, but can still have the same lasting affect like a novel. Well overall, I'm probably just as excited as you."

Anna's Blog.
Anna's was about the "aha" moments we get in life and how they might not always be like what we see on TV.

"I love seeing those mind-blowing moments on TV, but you're right. The world isn't anything like TV. You're also right in the sense that most aha moments affect you long term rather than short term. This made me think about most things in our lives, not just our aha moments. Most things in our lives build up to make us who we are today. I don't know of many things that only affect our short term lives, except for maybe food choices or something. Now though, I'm going to put my thoughts in better categories to help build up my long term life rather than my short term."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Best of the Week: Side Conversations

First off..Happy March! Can anyone, at all, believe that it is March? This year has gone by so fast!

My blog is about side conversations. I know that they aren't polite and I'm really not a fan of them when I'm the teacher for my CCD class on Saturdays, but I have to hand it to this class when I say, we are not shallow-side conversation people...we're, for lack of a better word, nerds.

I first realized this while I was sitting in class this week. This was the day I decided not to talk as much because I shouldn't be using my vocal chords. I'm always listening. I'm a gossiper, I eavesdrop, and when I'm not talking...I can listen a lot better. So that day I was listening intently for anything interesting. The class discussion was nice, but not everyone decides to say how they really feel outloud to the class. I realized that people were actually talking about the book.
This has nothing against the book or the class, but normally students talk about something other than class when they're having a side conversation. What happens in other classes is that people talk about their weekend, a different class, their clothes, a stupid SNL skit, but that is not the case with us. Our class is a bunch of people who talk about the actual assignment in a side conversation.

This might not seem like a big deal to most of you, but to me it is a very big deal. I live in a town where the best jeans and hair are what's on most people's minds. This thing that I noticed in class shows me that in a lot of black and white, there will always be a sliver of color. I also understand that what I just said is probably the most cheesy thing I will ever say in my life. If a bunch of teenagers are ok with actually talking about school, in school, then it gives me hope that maybe this whole world isn't just one big fake. There are people in the world that don't have big egos, that don't push you to be someone you aren't. That class period gave me hope that I won't mind growing up because if there are 28 kids like that in about 4,000 people...there has gotta be about 2 million in the United States.

We might be nerds, but one day there will be too many of us that you can't call us nerds, and maybe side conversations won't be frowned upon.