Sunday, April 4, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth: Crying

Since I purposefully left this post until last minute (I'm sorry but it's my break), there were many things I could talk about. Also, I'm doing what Taylor did and the title is to grab you in. Crying is relatively what I'm going to talk about...but the good crying.

I had two parts to my break. Part 1 was in Georgia and part 2 was in St. Louis. Part 2 had a lot of crying. My papa is 94 years old and lives in St. Louis. In the past two weeks, my papa, aunt Patti, Aunt Ellen, my sister, my cousins Katie and Brenden and my cousin once removed-Molly had a birthday...and yes, it's all the same side of the family. We all decided to come to St. Louis, so my papa doesn't travel, to celebrate all the birthdays.

In my two days there, I probably gained 10 pounds, but lost a lot of tears. My family is very close and this was just another time for us all to catch up. The best part was when my Papa got to see his great-grandchild for the first time. Once my aunt started to cry, we all broke down. My Papa isn't a man of many words, but he spoke the the little one like there was no tomorrow.

That instance made me think about family in general. I know that my family is probably one of a kind. For we sit in the lobby of the hotel screaming at the basketball games and laughing at old stories, but that's just who we are. Every family has their own way of getting together and enjoying themselves. They'll be with you forever and you can't just forget about them. So I guess the real inconvenient truth is that although your family might have many layers and be real complex, you're all still a family. Cliche, I know, but most cliche things are true.

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